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Laetitia welcomes you to her bed & breakfast located in the heart of Troyes.
In a tribute to the art of stained glass windows, to the heritage of Champagneand to the art of gardening, she invites you to stay in one of her 5 suites from 45 to 100 m², to rest in her living-rooms of the XVIIIth century and lounge in her amazing city garden where you will be able to enjoy a glass of local Champagne and homemade pastries and breakfasts.
" What a completely wonderful place !
The most inspiring mix of history and sensitive moderne design, utterly delightful garden, perfect location and lovely people - not to mention superb food !"
Juliet Rix (UK) in Troyes for The Times
La maison XVIe depuis la place
Depuis le jardin
Le jardin, la maison et, en arrière fond, la cathédrale
La Chambre aux Traits
Dans un des salons
Feu de cheminée dans un des salons du Jardin de la Cathédrale, Troyes
Laetitia Krumenacher
Petit déjeuner
Dans les salons ou le jardin
La suite Vincent-Larcher
L'escalier et ses vitraux
Jardindelacathedrale-Noel - 8
Jardin de la Cathedrale Troyes maison hote / La maison
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